Emotely – Responsive Mockup

Reflective and successful living

emotely – Your diary app for more success and self-confidence

Bring more success and gratitude into your life by keeping a journal.

Emotely Icons accent – medal

More success

Focus more on your successes by asking specific questions and achieve your goals faster.

Emotely Icons accent – love-message

More gratitude

Bring more positivity and gratitude into your life by keeping a journal.

Emotely Icons accent – user-star

More self-confidence

Unleash hidden potential through daily reflection and strengthen your self-confidence.


How the emotely app works

emotely guides you daily through your diary and helps you to become more successful, grateful and self-confident.


Success diary

Let emotely guide you through specific questions, reflect on your day and become more successful, grateful and self-confident.

Emotely – Smartphone Mockup
Emotely – Tablet Mockup


Pictures say more than a thousand words

Personalize your diary entry with an image or GIF that matches your day.


Stay inspired

Be inspired daily by new quotes generated especially for you.

Emotely – Smartphone Single

Personalized feedback

Intelligent AI assistant

Make your daily reflection even more vivid with our AI-based journaling assistant!

He responds to your entries, gives personalized feedback, is happy with you about positive events, cheers you up and motivates you to reflect even more intensively by asking questions.

Download now!

Start your success diary now

Become more successful, grateful and self-confident through guided journal writing.


What our users say

Guided journaling helps me to focus on the positive things in life and brings structure to my reflections.

“I had wanted to start journaling again for a while and found the app by chance via your profile.
Emotely is usually the last part of my day, so the app was a kind of habit to reflect on the day and highlight moments of gratitude.
It made me realize what I have in my life and that I can be grateful for it.

I particularly liked the guided approach, because otherwise I lacked structure when journaling and just started writing, often resulting in jumbled topics without a direct connection, with emotely the whole thing seems a bit more goal-oriented and also more compact in terms of time.”


Emotely encourages me to capture and reflect on beautiful and interesting events, even in the monotony of everyday life.

“I don’t like writing long, free-form diary entries every day.
Nevertheless, I was looking for a way to record the positive events and influences of the day, to reflect on them briefly and to let them have an effect on me, so that there is less room for the negative.
That’s why emotely appealed to me and convinced me.

My days are often characterized by synchronicity.
The diary entries make me realize that every day there were noteworthy, beautiful, often enriching encounters and impulses or even greater joys for which I can be grateful and which give me confidence for the next day.
A very reassuring feeling!

What I particularly like about the app is the different entry options and the “challenge” to learn something every day.
I particularly like the picture of the day.
It represents a mood, a special moment, an occasion that was part of my day.
It takes mindfulness to take or select the picture.
It always gives me a pleasant feeling when I look over it from time to time.”



Test our intelligent diary assistant

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Free of charge

Reflection, visualization & mindset.

Get the free basic version of emotely.



Premium monthly

Intelligent AI diary assistant.

Flexible monthly billing for AI premium features.



Premium annual

Intelligent AI diary assistant.

Get one month free with annual subscription!

Emotely – Peter & Lea

The founders of Emotely

Hey, we are Peter & Lea 🙂

We live in a small town near Tübingen near Stuttgart.
Lea is studying psychology and loves photography.
Peter was a “hardcore” gamer for most of his life.
But now he spends most of his time programming cool apps.
We do a lot of sport together and every Saturday we go on a short trip in the local area.
Quality time is a must 🙂

In our time as a (married) couple, we have learned a lot from each other.
We have grown a lot together – but also individually.
We have tried out many methods to support our personal growth.
We want to share these experiences with you.
With emotely, we are creating a platform with tools and content to support your personal growth.
Come with us on your individual journey to more success, gratitude and self-confidence!


Frequently asked questions

If your question is not listed, just send us a message.

Are my diary entries safe?

A diary can contain very personal information.
That's why your data is securely encrypted both during transmission and when stored.
You can find more information in our privacy policy

What does the high score mean?

The high score is the longest streak you have had so far.
Example: You have registered with emotely for the first time and then written your success diary for 10 days in a row.
Your streak and your high score are both set to 10. If you forget to write your success diary the next day, your streak will be reset the next time you write your diary.
However, the high score remains the same.
So your high score will be 10 and your streak will be 1. If you now write a success diary for the next few days in a disciplined manner, your high score will increase with the streak from the 11th day onwards.
So on day 11 you have a streak of 11 and a high score of 11, on day 12 a streak of 12 and a high score of 12.

Will my diary entry be used to generate the daily quote?

The information in your diary entry is private and belongs only to you.
We will not pass it on.
Not even to generate the daily quote.
The quote is generated depending on the date and a randomly selected area from "Success", "Gratitude" and "Reflection".

How is my series calculated?

To build up and maintain a streak, you must answer all 10 questions in your emotely success diary every day.
Your streak will be reset if you have not answered all 10 questions in one day.

How can I delete my account?

To delete your account, go to your profile in the app via the menu.
There is a button at the bottom of the profile page to delete your account.
If you delete your account, all your diary entries including the uploaded pictures, as well as your series, your high score and the number of diary entries written so far will be permanently deleted.
If you are unhappy with emotely, please let us know how we can improve.
We are working hard every day to support you in your personal growth.

Can I set a security code so that no one can read my entries?

Not at the moment.
We know that it is important to protect your diary from unwanted readers.
That's why locking and unlocking with Face ID, fingerprint sensor, etc. is at the top of the list of the next features we're adding to emotely.
So make sure you always download the latest version.

Contact us

Write us a message!

We are working hard every day to improve emotely for you.
Feel free to write us your feedback or how emotely helps you with your personal development.
We look forward to your message!

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